Category Archives: MARKETING

Building an Engaged Audience

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The word engaged is overused. Everyone is focusing on “online engagement.” Brands, nonprofits, individuals — everyone wants to increase their online presence and measure online engagement to be able to showcase what they are doing is successful. Source: Huffington Post

Four Monumental Shifts In Brand Culture

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Facebook, Google and Twitter have brought consumers closer to brands than ever before.  And as people shift their relationships with brands, the processes that link customers with brands and their cultures are also changing. Source: Branding Strategy Insider

Inspire Your Marketing Efforts

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Getting the word out to the right customers is one of the toughest parts of running a business. Let these experts’ words fuel you. Source: Entrepreneur

How U.S. CPGs Can Get Their Groove Back

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Achieving CPG sales growth in an increasingly complex market will require rethinking the marketing and promotion strategy, more effective product portfolios, innovative merchandising, and the flexibility to work with different retail formats. Source: Strategy&

Keep Customers for Life

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In today’s fast-changing, competitive business environment, excellent customer service is essential for success. In fact, service may be the key to differentiating your business from the competition. Source: American Management Association

Eight Keys To Telling A Competitive Brand Story

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Your story must be distinctive from the other stories that are in play in a market and it must continue to be so. That’s challenging in fast moving sectors where there is always something new to look at, another brand tale to try. Source: Branding Strategy Insider

Why Brand Management Will Replace Marketing

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P&G’s decision to formally end the era of “marketing” at the company and make the shift to brand management may accelerate what amounts to much more than a title change for marketers generally. Source: Branding Strategy Insider

How to Make (or Break) a Service Brand

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The rise of the service economy is changing the way we do business. We need to think differently about branding, too, writes B2B strategist Rodger Jones. Source: Advertising Age